Friday, December 18, 2009

WEEK 5!!!!!

When I began this course I imagined that it would be a simply overview of the technology requirements of the 21st century school. I wanted to learn new ideas of how technology can be used to enrich classes. I had not considered how vital technology has become and how heavily it will be relied on in the future. “The very nature of information has changed in the past decade. It has become increasingly digital, networked, and overwhelming.” (Warlick, 2007.) As an administrator, we must facilitate technology needs to have access to this digital information and seamlessly add it to the day to day instruction. This class has gone beyond what I envisioned and has enabled me to picture the future of education.

I feel the relevancy of this course remains to be seen in my situation. It has opened my eyes to many things that technology can add to classroom instruction. As a teacher, right now, I still feel hampered by many of my school districts acceptable use policies as well as the limited availability to software for my subject. However, I have a much better understanding and stronger opinion on the importance of facilitating technology to meet the needs of the students. Schools should be preparing students for the future, and a school that has to operate 10 years behind the kind of technology the students have at home will not get the job done. If schools are to meet the children at their ability levels, and teach to pre-existing knowledge, then those schools must do all they can to stay cutting edge.

I was very excited entering this class to see that we would be using Power Point, blogs and frequent discussion board time to study the subject. However, I quickly discovered that I myself am a Digital Immigrant. With the exception of Power Point, I have only been exposed to these types of activities through this course. I became extremely frustrated, almost to the point of giving up as I worked on some of these activities. “These skills are almost totally foreign to the Immigrants, who themselves learned – and so choose to teach – slowly, step-by-step, one thing at a time, individually, and above all seriously.”(Prensky, 2001.) I was a living example of what takes place in the classroom for veteran teachers who get frustrated with technology. If I was not under pressure by the course deadlines, I may have easily found a way to get around using it.

The most discouraging part of the course assignments came when I tried to post my Power Point on my blog. As I began to explore Author Stream as a way to convert my Power Point presentation, I hit a snag and was unable to correct it. I still have no idea what went wrong, but I devoted several hours to trying to solve the problem. I then decided to give up on Author Stream and tried Slideshare and was successful in downloading my file. However, I was unaware of all of the inner workings of down loading a file like this and the presentation did not convert correctly. After another few hours, I finally got the file to down load without reformatting. However, I then had major issues getting the file loaded on my blog. I contacted my school technology teacher for help, but she had no idea how to use Slideshare. After many hours and much help from my wife I was able to post my presentation to my blog. I simply did not know what to do, nor was I tech saavy enough to problem solve. Had this been a classroom situation, I would not have had time to get the issue fixed before it needed to be used and I would have found an old-fashioned way to teach the information.

This course has taught me that if technology is to be integrated, teacher learning must be a priority for school leaders. I found myself falling into the Digital Imigrant mindset because of my issues using the blog and Slideshare technology. “A frequent objection I hear from Digital Immigrant educators is “this approach is great for facts, but it wouldn’t work for ‘my subject.’” (Prensky,2001.) I actually thought this as I was trying to master the use of the programs thorugh out the course.

The biggest thing I learned navigating through the readings and course work is the need to train the teachers and provide relevant technology staff development.
“It would seem that 30 hours of sustained, hands on technology training should have conferred ome degree of ‘proficiency,’ which should then have spilled over into actual classroom use. Yet, when asked to survey their individual software application skills, 60% of the teachers reported ‘no’ or ‘low’ levels of proficiency with the applications in question. More critically, only 17% of teachers reported regular use of technology in their classes, and 72% of that usage involved remediation or skills-type software or word processing.” (Burns, 2002.)
I was a living example of lack of training. But we must prepare our kids for a technological future, so we need to not fear technology in schools, but embrace it. “So if Digital Immigrant educators really want to reach Digital Natives – i.e. all their students -they will have to change.” (Prensky, 2001.)

I think one of the areas that teachers will soon be utilizing in classes is the online blog. This will give students 24/7 access to classroom activities, lectures and assignments. It will open up new levels of classroom communication and collaboration. Schools will be “creating a richer, more dynamic, more interactive Web where participation is the rule rather than the exception.”(Richardson, 2005) By providing this tool as an embedded part of the classroom, teachers and students can exchange ideas and learning like never before.

One concern that I have with the classroom blogs is accuracy of the information posted. “When information comes from a network, it is not always obvious where it came from, who wrote it, or why.” (Warlick, 2007.) Classroom blogs will have to be closely monitored. If a student posts an opinion on a blog that is grossly inaccurate or inappropriate, it may stay posted long enough for other students to see and think of as a fact. There are also issues of liability and slander if a student chooses to lash out at a teacher or student. Teachers will have to set strict guidelines and policies for classroom blogs. “We must, instead, teach children how to be their own gatekeepers, and this is an ethical imperative.”(Warlick, 2007) Teachers will also have to maintain a close watch over postings and walk that fine line between protecting information and censorship.

“Principals play an important role in integrating technology in each of our schools.” Using a blog to communicate to the stakeholders shows willingness to model appropriate technology use in the school. “But as more and more people get on the blog bandwagon, more and more teachers and schools are starting to experiment with the technology communicate with students and parents, archive and publish student work learn from far flung collaborators , and ‘manage’ the knowledge that members of the school community create.”(Richardson, 2004.) Blogs provide the school with unlimited access for all members of the learning community to see what is taking place and get information about upcoming events and classroom activities.

Burns, M. (2002). From compliance to commitment: Technology as a catalyst for communities of learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 84(4), 295-303.

Jones, E. (2007). Strategies to put instruction ahead of technology. Principal Leadership, 7(6), 35-38.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants: Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.

Richardson, W. (2005). Blog revolution: Expanding classroom horizons with Web logs. Technology & Learning, 26(3).

Richardson, W. (2004). Blogging and RSS – The what’s it? And how to of powerful new Web tools for educators. MultiMedia & Internet @ Schools, 11(1), 10-13.

Warlick, D. (2007). Literacy in the new information landscape. Library Media Connection, 26(1), 20-21.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Technology Organization Chart

· Ensures budget and funds are in place for operation of technology department
· Oversee initiatives and efficiency of technology department.
· Facilitates professional development program as needed.
· Develop and maintain a long-range planning and vision.
· Assist with the development of technology policies and procedures.
Director of Technology
· Lead the district technology long-range planning and vision.
· Ensure maintenance and an up to date technology infrastructure.
· Make data based decisions.
· Support technology staff professional development.
· Manage technicians and repair process.
· Maintain department budget.
· Assist campuses with technology action plans
· Oversee all areas within the department.
· Communicate with staff in regard to technology policies and procedures.
· Assist with the development of technology policies and procedures.

Instructional Technology Coordinator
· Assist campuses with technology action plans.
· Develop and maintain professional development program.
· Model technology use and collaborate with teachers for technology integration.
· Oversee student technology standards.
· Develop technology course curriculums and activities.
· Communicate with staff in regard to technology policies and procedures.
· Assist with the development of technology policies and procedures.
District Technology Technicians
§ Set up and install district computers and other technology equipment.
§ Troubleshoot issues onsite in buildings.
§ Assist with purchasing of equipment.
§ Offer recommendations to department and buildings on hardware and infrastructure

District Media Specialists
· Help facilitate technology action plan items
· Facilitate technology workshops for staff members
· Assist in previewing software
· Assist in district long-range planning

Campus Principals
· Keep technology budget records.
· Approve building level technology purchases.
· Support technology staff development efforts.
· Model technology integration.
· Assist in district long-range planning.
· Communicate with staff in regard to technology policies and procedures.

Campus Technology Specialists
· Coordinate with district technicians and media specialists
· Help orchestrate campus based technology action plan items.
· Facilitate technology workshops for staff members.
· Assist in previewing software.
· Coordinate campus level strategies that address the district long-range plan.
· Create lessons for teachers to use within their content areas.
· Model and collaborate integration lessons with teachers.
· Establish an enthusiastic approach to technology use for teaching and learning.
· Manage campus technology inventory.
· Communicate with staff in regard to technology policies and procedures.

Classroom Teachers
· Coordinate lessons with campus technology specialists.
· Collaborate with other teachers to develop technology integration to use within specific content areas.
· Model the use of technology to support student use.
· Establish an enthusiastic approach to technology use for teaching and learning.
· Attend staff development that will improve all areas of technology use.

Based on STaR Chart data and personal interviews, staff development in technology is a concern for most teachers at Ford Middle School. The STaR Chart indicates that the biggest area for improvement is in the catagories of “Professional Development Experiences” and “Capabilities of Educators.” Many teachers report that they simply do not understand all of the things equipment and software can do, so they do things the old fasioned way. Further more, staff members have indicated that staff development sessions are too short and infrequent for teachers to become comfortable with new programs. With students wishing to use more technology in learning, coupled with requirements of technology integration, it is important to develop a professional development program that addresses the individual skill level and needs of the teachers. Individualized staff development can help to prioritize and monitor teacher learning.

My action plan for Technology Staff Development is to build a three teer staff development workshop plan. Using the STaR Chart as an example, teachers would first begin with a self analysis of skills and ability. If the training session is about intergrating Power Point presentations into classroom lectures, the teachers would first define their abilities as Advanced Technology, Developing Technology or Early Technology.

Early Technology teachers would be the teachers that have never or rarely used Power Point presentations. These teachers would go to a session where they would learn the very basics on creating slides, using templets and orginizing ideas into Power Point form. Because the information is directed at their ability level, Early Technology teachers can be more comfortable in exploring the program at their own pace and not be afraid to ask questions and seek help.

Developing Technology teachers would be teachers that have used Power Points before, but want training beyond just building slides. These teachers do not need to go through the basics and can use the staff development session to refine and enhance the skills they already have. This session can allow for idea sharing and colaboration to help advance teacher presentations.

Advanced Technology teachers would be the teachers who are very comfortable with using most or all parts of the Power Point program. They can use their specific ability levels to discover new ways to orginize and share presentations. These teachers would further develop their skills and become mentors and coaches for other staff members. This training would establish these teachers as the specialists for their teams and further work to integrate technology in the classroom.

This three teer aproach could be used for most technology training. The key to efficiant staff development is to meet the teachers at their ability level and specifically address the individual need. However, with limited time and resources, most staff development is “one-size-fits-all” training. With the individualized training, a network of technology saavy teacher leaders can help guide others for overall school improvement and student learning.

The action plan has two ways to evaluate progress. The first way is to receive direct feedback from teachers on professional development and their opinions of how the new technology is assisting in the learning process. This feedback should be more specific than just the STaR Chart. Professional development sessions should contain the opportunity for teachers to respond to the new information they have learned. Follow up surveys during and after the training can help facilitators focus the staff development to better suit individual needs. Informal evaluations should be ongoing and would consist of technology leaders and campus team members visiting classrooms and teachers to find areas they feel need follow up for improvement.

The second means of evaluation would be in the form of classroom visits by principals or team leaders. Visits to classrooms would be done with a technology rubric that would gage teacher and student technology use. These quick snapshots can provide information to help make decisions regarding the next round of professional development workshops. The main measurable outcome to technology integration would be if the curriculum and class procedures allow students to seamlessly use technology for learning. Teachers hesitant to use technology, or have limited student technology in the lessons, can be given specific training to fill any gaps in technology competency.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The need for Educator Preparation

The Texas Star Chart is used to organize and analyze school data in the area of technology. Current statewide data shows that one of the biggest needs in the schools is more educator preparation. This is a huge challenge for public schools. The kinds of advancements that have been made in technology over the past decade have been quick and drastic. In ten years schools have gone from community computer access to classroom computers that manage everything from curriculum to attendance and grades. The internet in the classroom has drastically changed the way teachers communicate to colleagues, parents and students. But what does the future look like? The tricky thing is that we need to be preparing now for a future with technology we know nothing about.
These changes in technology have improved the schools ability to operate, however many schools are still listed in the Developing Stage of technology progress. This is in part to a large number of veteran teachers who simply don’t feel comfortable using new software and operating systems. Many teachers learn just enough about new systems to get by and never feel like they can dig deeper into programs. Many teachers get frustrated when working with new programs and simply give up and do things the old fashioned way. I myself have experienced this frustration working on this week’s assignments, and I consider myself strong in the area of technology.
The key is for schools to provide in depth technology training and to constantly check up on teachers and revisit areas of training that need improvement. Simply putting software on a teacher computer with no instruction as to how it will improve classroom activities is fruitless. Schools should refer to the 5 standards as stated in the SBEC and gear teacher training to these standards. Teachers need to have help to move from being technology competent to technology comfortable.

S Ta R Chart

This presentation is an overview of the Texas Star Chart used by public schools to measure technologies in the schools. Data from the state summary report is presented along with a comparison of state data to Ford Middle School. A brief explanation of the key areas and levels of progress are stated.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tech TEKS Review

The Pre-K TEKS website is very impressive and interactive. It establishes the need for the the Pre-K students to begin to develop basic computer and communication skills through technology practices. The videos are informative and demonstrate the development of basics of self awareness and learning motivation. The guidelines articulate what basic technological knowledge the students need to be prepared for in Kindergarten. Children start Kindergarten at a wide range of social and emotional levels and the task of providing them with basic technology skills is equally as drastic.

The Technology TEKS are designed much like the TEKS for other subjects in that it is a scaffolding curriculum that constantly builds off of already learned knowledge. For example, In the high school desktop publishing class students must be able to "distinguish design requirements as they relate to purposes and audiences including one-surface objects, multiple or bound pages, stationery, book jackets/magazine covers, pamphlets, magazines, brochures, and labels." If you track back to the middle school TEKS you will find this is also an expectation, but at a more appropriate level: "use productivity tools to create effective document files for defined audiences such as slide shows, posters, multimedia presentations, newsletters, brochures, or reports." Then if you track further back into the Elementary guidelines you find the foundation of this expectation: "publish information in a variety of media including, but not limited to, printed copy, monitor display, Internet documents, and video."

The requirements are established as building blocks through out the student's school years. Each component is readdressed numerous times and the student is allowed to demonstrate their ability at their level as they grow.

Long-Range Plan for Tech. Review

I have spent the last 2 days reviewing the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology. It is a huge document showing the research behind the need for technology in the schools. One thing that kept showing up that concerns me as an educator is the ideal of all students having equal access to technology. With the vast differences in student demographics and the huge number of students who do not have computers at home -the only way to provide equal access is for the schools to step up and provide computers for school use, and maybe even at home use. Also -the need for staff development is crucial. My own experience tells me that as soon as we learn a new tech skill it becomes outdated and needs to be replaced by new practices.

Our technology leader in my school is amazing, but out numbered by the teachers and students. I can help her out by not waiting for her to find ways for me to integrate technology in my class -but to find new ways myself. Then I can share my new techniques with her to share with other teachers.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Technology Surveys

As I began the technology surveys I felt that I was fairly literate in the area of school technology needs. However, I now feel like there is much I need to learn if I am to adequately use technology in my school.

The results of my Technology Applications Inventory show that I do have strengths when it comes to Solving Problems with Technology Tools. However, these strengths have more to do with my abilities as a teacher, not necessarily how my students are able to use technology or how I am able to incorporate technology in my class. As a band director, it is hard (but not impossible) to use technology in my class like other subjects can. The main way I use technology in my class is by the use of websites and email to communicate and update students and parents about classroom activities or upcoming events. “Letters home” have been replaced by emails and handbooks and contact info is shared through websites.

My weaknesses do feel overwhelming when it comes to technology use and the surveys have focused those weaknesses pretty clearly. As I completed the SETDA Teacher Survey, I realized I know little about what is expected of the students or teachers at my school. Many of the areas of the survey simply did not apply to my classroom. However, there were many questions that made me rethink my approach to instruction. I think the main thing is that we do not have the funding or technology resources at my school to do more than just the bare minimum as required by the TEKS. Band, and other elective classes, are such unique areas of study that we need to be creative and think outside the box to incorporate technology supported instruction.